General rules
- Attendees are required to follow these rules, alternatively instructions by organizers.
- Rule-breaking can result in ejection from the event or even being banned from attending future events.
- Decisions made by organizers are final and may override written rules.
- Game rules can be changed for a given day as needed. These changes are stated at the pre-game briefing.
- It is strictly prohibited to enter the park with other weapons than airsoft ones.
- It is required to wear safety glasses during the whole stay in the park.
- Vyřazený hráč nebo jinak nehrající hráč se vždy označí reflexní vestou (hitmarkerem).
- Age limits:
- 18+ (adults): no restrictions, self-signed registration.
- 15-17: needs to have an 18+ supervision to register and a filled out form signed by their parent or guardian. The form can be downloaded here (czech language).
Additionally, on first visit needs to be accompanied by a parent or guardian – main organizer will explain dangers of airsoft and answer questions.
- Under 15: only under supervision of a parent or legal guardian.
- Players agree to having photographs or videos featuring them published.
- A receipt of paying the registration fee will be provided on request.
- Anyone who will fail to have their guns‘ muzzle energy checked and register before 10 am will not be admitted into the first half of the day or will have to pay late fee
- We will not wait for late joiners. The morning briefing begins at 10:00 and the length of it depends on complexity of the event. Briefing cannot be shortened.
- If you’re coming from far away and get delayed by something out of your control, e.g. in a traffic jam, contact us on Facebook with info of when we should expect you to get in and how many people are coming in your group. We can then plan the event with that in mind and waive the late fee.
- We do provide an option of sleeping at the airsoftpark for people from far away. You can have a small BBQ party previous evening. Contact us on Facebook for more information.
- Attendees are required to sign up on the list of participants and pay a registration fee.
- Attendees need to have their guns‘ muzzle energy measured before registration.
- Attendee will receive a confirmation strap that they need to show during sign up.
- After signing up and paying the fee the attendee will receive their player number which needs to be visibly affixed to their gear or clothing.
Resolving issues
- Players do not „solve“ issues between each other with arguments or breaking the rules (e.g. retaliatory shooting).
- In case of rule-breaking behaviour (e.g. not calling hits) it is ideal to go to the other player, remember their number and go report it to the organizers.
Weapons and accessories
- Attendees are required to have their weapons‘ muzzle energy checked with their played BBs before signing on the participant list and paying the registration fee.
- Weapons that do not fit the muzzle energy limits will not be allowed in the game.
- Limits stated in the rules already include tolerance and therefore are hard limits.
- A confirmation strap will be given for each passing weapon. These straps are stamped during registration and afterwards needs to be affixed to the weapon.
- Weapons can be re-measured at random during the game.
- Special weapon categories (e.g. SMGs) will be marked by organizers during the muzzle energy measuring.
- It is forbidden to use lasers and stroboscopes.
HPA weapons
- Mandatory regulator lock (we have these in stock).
- Maximum rate of fire 25 RPS (except for machine guns).
- We measure energy (Joules) with BBs you will use in the game.
- GBR and HPA are put into categories below based on gun model and muzzle energy.

Assault rifles and others
- Maximum muzzle energy: 1.7 Joule.
- No special advantages or disadvantages.
- Basic category, any weapon that is not explicitly in different category falls under this.
- Grenade launchers (includes both handheld and underslung) must hit target with BBs to count – they work as normal weapons and not as room clearing grenades.

Submachine guns (SMG)
- Maximum muzzle energy: 1.3 Joule.
- Maximum rate of fire 25 RPS (except for machine guns).
- Needs to be actually modelled after an SMG.
- SMGs can be fired in full auto outside of buildings.

Machine guns
- Maximum muzzle energy: 1.7 Joule.
- Needs to be actually modelled after a machine gun.
- Machine guns can be fired in full auto outside of buildings.
- Machinegunners can „repair“ weapons that were hit by touching them.

- Maximum muzzle energy: 2.3 Joule.
- Needs to be actually modelled after a DMR.
- Optics required, at least 4x magnification.
- Low-cap spring magazines required.
- Backup gun with muzzle energy below 1.7 Joule required.
- Minimum engagement distance: 20 meters.

Manual sniper rifles
- Maximum muzzle energy: 3.3 Joule.
- Backup gun with muzzle energy below 1.7 Joule required.
- Minimum engagement distance: 30 meters.
Pyrotechnics (grenades)
- Only mechanical and gas powered grenades are allowed.
- A grenade must succesfully activate (BBs must come out) for the hit to count.
- When a grenade is succesfully deployed the whole room counts as hit.
- Players in full cover (e.g. behind a palette) are exempt.
- Hallways are split into sectors by sprayed lines. Grenades clear one sector.
- In buildings 6 and 7 grenades can be thrown over obstacles. It is imperative to use increased caution – to prevent injuries e.g. by hitting another players‘ head with a heavy grenade.
- Smoke grenades can be used only on non-combustible surface.
- Maximum smoking time is 140 seconds.
- In case of fire, players have the pause the game and extinguish the fire as soon as possible.
- Other pyrotechnics is forbidden (e.g. TagInn grenades).
Hits and shooting
- Shooting inside buildings is allowed only in semi-auto mode with no exceptions.
- Shooting outside of buildings is allowed only in semi-auto mode with exception of SMGs and machine guns, see above in weapon rules.
- Players are forbidden to shoot from positions where they cannot fit their whole weapon through, including magazine and any attachments used (e.g. small openings).
- Players are forbidden to blind fire, for example around a corner or over an obstacle.
- Players are forbidden to intentionally shoot below the minimum engagement distance (applies to DMRs and sniper rifles).
- Hits count into any part of player’s gear with exception of a ballistic shield.
- In case of being hit by a grenade even players with a shield are eliminated.
- Hit players will announce that they’ve been hit („hit“, „mám“, etc) and immediatelly heads to the respawn area marked by a high-visibility clothing.
- Hit into a weapon eliminates said gun from the play.
- In such case player announce that the weapon was hit („gun“, „zbraň“) and cannot use this weapon anymore.
- Hit weapon can be „repaired“ by a machinegunner touching it or by respawning.
- Hits through small opening in cover (e.g. behind a bush) count.
- Hits achieved by illegal shooting (see above section) do not count.
- In case two players manage to hit each other at the same time (e.g. during CQB) either both players die or both players agree on quickly repeating the duel.
- Being hit by a knife or other cold weapon counts.
- Being eliminated by a „safety kill“ is not enforced by the rules and it is up to specific players whether or not they accept this kill.
- We recommend attempting this with your weapon aimed at the target and to be ready to actually shoot.
- The eliminated player cannot reject behing eliminated after accepting it.
- For fair play we recommend players eliminated with a „safety kill“ to quietly go to a respawn area without trying to raise an alarm with other players.
- In case of friendly fire the player who shot their teammate is hit instead and the „victim“ can stay on their position.